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Discover Louth

"I swear by the oath of my people", said Cúchulainn, "I will make my doings be spoken of among the great doings of heroes in their...

The Salmon of Knowledge
An Bradán Feasa — The Salmon of Knowledge Fionn MacCumhaill - also known as Finn McCool, became the leader of Na Fianna, a band of...

Táin Bó Cuailgne
Táin Bó Cuailnge (The Brown Bull of Cooley) The 3 wonders of The Táin: It is said that a years protection is given on those to whom it is...

The River Boyne
The River Boyne derives its name from the legendary Celtic goddess Boann (or Boand). The story goes that there was once a magical well -...
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