West Gate
Corner West Street
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West Gate sign map
West Gate, recorded as being in existence by c.1206, faced St Laurence’s Gate on the main east-west axis of Drogheda. Newcomen represented it in 1657 as being like St Laurence’s Gate, with an arched entrance flanked by tall, square, battlemented towers. Permission to demolish West Gate was given in 1789, and it was no longer standing by 1810.
Congestion at West Gate in 1771
“Consideration being had of the very great inconvenience to the Publick by the Throng of Cattle and Carriages at the West Gate of this Town on Markett and Fair days by which passengers are stop’t and obstructed from coming into and going out of the same to their great danger delay and detriment It is ordered that Mr Mayor the sheriffs auditors & viewers or the majority of them do consider in what manner a publick gate may be made at the West end of Fair Street through the Town Wall to the Turnpike Road leading to Dunleer”
(Council Book of the Drogheda Corporation)